Governor's Forum on Energy Transition Supports National Energy Policy, Says Energy Minister

Wednesday, 9 March 2022 - Dibaca 1013 kali




NUMBER: 99.Pers/04/SJI/2022

Date: 9 March 2022

Governor's Forum on Energy Transition Supports National Energy Policy, Says Energy Minister

The Indonesian National Energy Council (DEN), in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) and the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), on Wednesday (9/3) held "Governor's Forum on Energy Transition" (GFoET) webinar, which is a step on the road to Indonesia Solar Summit (ISS).

In his opening remarks, Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif warmly welcomed the GfoET because it supported the realization of the National Energy Policy (KEN), the National Energy Plan (RUEN), and energy transition through the participation of the central and local governments. "Efforts by regional governments to implement low-carbon development and a green economy must be backed by several policy and regulatory instruments, fiscal, and a number of other supporting instruments to ensure a just energy transition process," said Arifin.

Regional governments' action plan to develop new, renewable energy in the energy transition is a form of energy independence at the regional level. "Regional Medium-Term Development Plans (RPJMD) which are oriented towards the transformation of new, renewable energy and green technology-based economic acceleration are key to a successful energy transition at the regional level. In addition, regional governments play an important role in the implementation of Regional Energy Plan (RUED), which is the derivative of the RUEN," Arifin added.

Several provincial governments have implemented RUED, for example by constructing small-scale renewables power plants; issuing governor regulations on technical rules for implementing RUED and on clean energy and electric vehicles as well as governor circulars on the use of solar rooftops at government buildings, industries, hotels, and households. "I hope that more regions will make similar regulations to support the implementation of RUED, especially in the development of new, renewable energy," Arifin concluded.

In a similar vein, DEN Member, Musri, said that solar energy, geothermal, and tidal waves can be used to meet the targets set out in the RUEN and RUED in the context of energy transition. Musri emphasized the need to develop energy potential of each region. "We have to involve local wisdom because every region in Indonesia has different energy potential," commented Musri.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of DEN Djoko Siswanto conveyed the objectives of GFoET. "It aims to inform heads of regional governments about the organization of ISS 2022, discuss the role that provincial governments play in a more aggressive energy transition, connect policy makers at provincial level with parties that are involved in energy transition acceleration, discuss potential sources of funding for energy transition with relevant stakeholders, and explore regional governments' commitment to energy transition--particularly in the use of solar power systems."

IESR Director, Fabby Tumiwa, added that provincial governments with their RUED have an instrumental role in supporting the central government accelerate the use of renewables to reach net zero emission (NZE). "Governments have room to innovate in order to optimize the use of renewables, particularly by promoting the use of rooftop solar systems at government buildings and public facilities. Regional governments, through regional regulations, governor regulations, and circulars, can encourage the participation of the community and the business world in utilizing rooftop solar, preparing incentive tools, and rewarding people who participate in energy transition action," explained Fabby.

For the record, the GFoET was attended by DEN Members, provincial governors from across Indonesia, Secretary General of DEN, Director of IESR as well as representatives from the Ministry of EMR and Ministry of Home Affairs. (IY)

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