Geomarin Ship 3 Identifies A Biogenic Gas Potential in North Waters of Bali and Lombok

Friday, 28 April 2017 - Dibaca 2402 kali

CIREBON - Until May 19, 2017, Geomarin 3 research vessel conducted a biogenic gas research survey in the northern waters of Bali and Lombok Island, which includes the Northern Basin of East Java and the Balinese Basin.

Biogenic gas in this basin is one of seven proven sedimentary basins. Terang-1 drill wells provide an indication of potential biogenic gas in the Mundu Formation, with a depth of 600 - 700 meters below the surface of the seafloor.

Based on the study of the Center for Data and Information Technology of ESDM, SGP-1 well drill is indicated the spread of biogenic gas to the southeast of Kangean Island.

Biogenic gas research was carried out by researchers of the R & D Group, Marine Research and Development Center for Marine Geology. Activities will be focused on identifying the presence and distribution of biogenic gases around the Terang-1 Well and verifying the possible spread of the Mundu Formation to the southeastern P. Kangean in Bali's North Waters.

Selection of this location based on a recommendation of National Energy Committee (KEN) on biogenic gas research in 10 basins of Indonesia, namely Sibolga Basin, Central Sumatera, South Sumatera, North West Java, North East Java, Barito, Kutai, Tarakan, Sengkang and Waipoga.

Biogenic gas is a methane (CH4) gas that is widespread below the surface of the soil and is easily found in various locations. Utilization of biogenic gas as a source of energy is still relatively small. A number of areas in Indonesia such as coastal Muara Kakap and Madura have used biogenic gas as lighting and cooking facilities, using a simple technology.

For commercial purposes requires in-depth study, especially in determining the potential reserves and utilization process.

However, a special type of methane-fueled generator has been developed to enable the utilization of biogenic gas to be converted and used as a source of small-scale electrical energy that can help communities in remote areas far from the reach of PLN's electricity grid.

In addition to generators, has also developed other industrial equipment that are methane fuel such as methan boiler and water heater.

The main method used in the study was 2D seismic using 48 channels with a seismic source capacity of 800-1100 Cu in. Several other methods are also used, such as sub bottom profiling (SBP) method, geomagnet and gravity.

The Geomarin Survey 3 ships depart from Cirebon Pass on 26 April 2017 with a passenger of 55 people, consisting of 13 PPPGL researchers, one PPPTMGB researcher "LEMIGAS", one Geological Survey Center researcher, one AGP student and crew and technicians.

On May 19, 2017, Geomarin 3 vessels are scheduled to dock at Benoa harbor, Bali for monitoring activities and filling of fuel and foodstuffs. (NA)

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