Gas Distribution Networks are Prefered for Small Housings

Tuesday, 4 April 2017 - Dibaca 1621 kali

JAKARTA - The government continues to seek to build 300.000 gas distribution systems (jaringan gas/gas) cities throughout Indonesia in 2019. However, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Ignasius Jonan underlined that the development plan of jargas will be prioritized to small housings.

"Now we are starting up again in 2019, 300.000 systems. We will try to continue probably in 2024 one million network. Preference will be given to small housing," he said when visited the Business Indonesia Office, Jakarta, Monday (3/4).

Jonan explained the advantages of the use of natural gas. Beside the lower cost obtained by users which is almost half of the price of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) 3 kg, the Government is also no need to pass up LPG imports. "6.5 million tons a year of LPG needs, it is imported about 4.5 million tons," he said.

The consideration of the abundance of natural gas with different contents in each field can not be used simply to meet LPG needs in Indonesia. "If no C3 or C4 can not be LPG," said Jonan.

Previously, the Ministry of EMR c.q Directorate General of Oil and Gas signed the MoU with the head of 9 Cities/Regencies on the supply and distribution of natural gas to households for Fiscal Year 2017 amounted to 59.809 Household Connections (HC)

Nine regions are namely Pekanbaru City (3270 HC), Banyuasin Regency (6031 HC), Pali Rgency (5375 HC), Muara Enim Regency (4785 HC), Bandar Lampung (10 321 HC), Mojokerto Regency(5101 HC), Mojokerto City (5000 HC), Samarinda City (4500 HC), Bontang City (8000 HC), and DKI Jakarta (7426 HC).

"The selection of the city due to the existing (source) of gas," said Director of Oil and Gas, IGN Wiratmaja, met at the time. (NA)

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