Focusing on Appropriate Programs, Energy Ministry Spends Rp1.3 trillion until End of May 2021

Friday, 4 June 2021 - Dibaca 891 kali




NUMBER: 190.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 4 June 2021

Focusing on Appropriate Programs, Energy Ministry Spends Rp1.3 trillion until End of May 2021

Until May 31, 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) has spent Rp1.3 trillion or 22.04% of the budget ceiling Rp5.9 trillion in the Revised State Budget (APBN-P).

"This is 2.71% higher than the target we have set, which is 19.33%, for May 2021," said Secretary General of Ministry of EMR, Ego Syahrial, in a Hearing with Commission VII of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) in Jakarta on Thursday (3/6).

Ego targets that by the end of 2021, the budget realization of Ministry of EMR will reach at least 96%. "This is still on the track," he said.

Several community programs will be continued in 2021, such as gas networks development in 21 regencies and cities with a budget of Rp977.06 billion, Feasibility Study of Government and Business Entities Cooperation on Gas Networks (KPBU Jargas) in 13 regencies/cities (Rp8 billion), 28,000 converter kit packages for fishermen in 19 provinces (Rp266.45 billion), and 28,000 converter kit packages for farmers in 14 provinces (Rp222.60 billion).

"We hope that from October 1 to early December, the distribution of the converter kits for fishermen and farmers will have been carried out. Based on last year's experience, the distribution process lasted for two months," Ego explained.

Additionally, the Ministry of EMR is conducting geothermal exploration at 2 drilling points worth of Rp281 billion, installing 22,000 packages of Solar Street Lighting (PJU-TS) worth of Rp329.5 billion, installing 1,430 PJU-TS packages (Rp21.7 billion) specifically in the Super Priority Tourist Destinations (DPSP) and Indonesian National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) areas, installing solar PV systems at 29 locations of Indonesian Army's Cross-Border Posts (Rp 28.4 billion) and providing 20,711 packages of Electric Power Supply Equipment (APDAL) worth of Rp104.7 billion. "Special for APDAL, the budget will be shifted because it's proved to be difficult to do," Ego said.

The remaining budget for APDAL will be used to install 18,826 units of Energy-Efficient Solar Lamps (LTSHE), 2 bioenergy infrastructure schemes to secure the Merangin biogas power plant (PLTBg) in Jambi and restart-up of the Paser PLTBg in East Kalimantan as well as 3 projects to prepare the Feasibility Study (FS)-Detailed Engineering Design (DED) on Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF).

The Ministry of EMR has procured 183 packages of goods and services with a total budget ceiling of Rp2,537 billion. As many as 158 packages or 98% have been tendered, which amount to Rp2,479.94 billion.

"30 packages with a ceiling of 749.24 billion are in progress, namely 18 packages (Rp235.71 billion) are in the tender process and 12 packages (Rp513.53 billion) in contract signing process," continued Ego.

In addition, 128 packages (Rp1,730 billion) are being worked on and 25 packages worth Rp57.80 billion are in tender preparation stage. "The 25 packages are made up of 24 packages that have not been tendered out worth Rp56.16 billion and 1 package of Rp1.64 billion that has not been input into the Public Procurement Plan Information System (SiRUP)," Ego detailed. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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