Escorting Single Fuel Price in Tambrauw, West Papua

Sunday, 18 February 2018 - Dibaca 1798 kali

TAMBRAUW - "Thanks to the Government, thank you to President for implementing Single Fuel Price in West Papua," said Luther, a resident of Sausapor District, Tambrauw Regency, West Papua when interviewed by the team of, Tuesday (13/2) at the Kompak Gasoline Filling Station (SPBU) No. 86.983.13 Sausapor, as the distributor of Single Fuel Price in the region.

It is not an exaggeration if Luther's expression represents the other Sausapor residents's feeling. Luther admitted that previously the fuel price in the region vary between Rp 10,000 to Rp 20,000 per liter depend on the willingness, now by the implementation of Government's Single Fuel Price Program, Sausapor's people can enjoy the price of Premium Rp 6.450 per liter and diesel oil Rp 5.150 per liter, the same as in Java's.

Sausapor District is not easily accessed. The District can be reached by boat or car from Sorong. The trip via Makbon and Mega is taken in about four hours, passing through mud and holes along the road that has not been fully asphalted. Moreover, landslide paralyze the access, especially after heavy rain. While the boat takes six hours for Rp100,000.- per person. Meanwhile, the ship scheduled sailing from Sorong to Sausapor is four times a week.

In contrast to other areas of Papua, the mountain becomes the scenic setting in the eastern Sausapor district. Clean water and fertile land make Sausapor a producer of bananas, yellow squash, pineapple, and unique cassava and become mainstay commodities. Single Fuel Price is very helpful for economic activities, especially in marketing Sausapor products to various regions.

In his visit to West Papua, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Ignasius Jonan directly visited to the 31st distributor of Single Fuel Price. Kompak Sausapor SPBU has been inaugurated on November 24, 2017 by having capacity of 10 KL of premium and 10 KL of diesel oil.

Jonan emphasized the importance of Single Fuel Price supervision to provide equal access to the people of Indonesia in realizing the equitable energy for all Indonesian people. Following up the Presidential Instruction, Single Fuel Price policy is implemented thoroughly, so that there will be no more fuel price disparities between one region and other regions.

As known that the Government has formulated a roadmap of Single Fuel Price. A total of 57 distributors were built in 2017. Up to 2019, the Government is targeting the establishment of 159 distributors of Single Fuel Price. Those are located in economically isolated areas and having not easily-accessible roads. (NA/edited_AK)

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