Energy, Trade Ministries Destroy Electrical Outlets Not Meeting the SNI

Wednesday, 26 May 2021 - Dibaca 1487 kali




NUMBER: 177.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 26 May 2021

Energy, Trade Ministries Destroy Electrical Outlets Not Meeting the SNI

Directorate General of Electricity of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) and Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order of Ministry of Trade destroyed 6,540 electrical outlets that do not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) in Cibinong, Bogor Regency on Wednesday (25/5). Besides in Cibinong, destruction will also be carried out in Cengkareng, West Jakarta on Thursday (27/5), and Cikande, Serang Regency on Friday (28/5).

These electrical outlets are destroyed to protect consumers in terms of security, health, safety, and environment (K3L) as well as to protect domestic producers.

Director of Electricity Techniques and Environment of Ministry of EMR, Wanhar, said that the destruction of electrical outlets that do not comply with SNI is an effort to supervise electricity safety, especially to prevent fires due to short circuits.

"Electricity standardization is one of the government's efforts to achieve electricity safety. Electricity is useful but also dangerous, so all electrical equipment must comply with standards," said Wanhar.

The destruction of electrical outlets that do not comply with the SNI standards resulted from coordination between Ministry of EMR, Indonesian National Standardization Agency (BSN), Ministry of Trade, and Product Certification Institutes (LSPro).

On the same occasion, Director General of Consumer Protection and Trade Order, Veri Anggrijono, said that the destruction of electrical outlets not meeting the SNI was an effort to protect consumers. "Products that are on the market but that do not meet the SNI must be withdrawn from circulation and then destroyed," he continued.

Veri Anggrijono asked the LSPro that issued the SPPT-SNI (permit to use the SNI mark) for electrical outlets and plugs that do not comply with the SNI to take responsibility for the products distribution. Veri asked these LSPro to supervise the products they certified, so that the number of products that do not meet the SNI but circulating in the market would decrease. In addition, Veri asked the Indonesian National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and the supervisory unit, or in this case the Ministry of EMR, to supervise the LSPro agencies that are accredited by the KAN and appointed by the Ministry of EMR.

"Based on the monitoring by the BSN, of the twelve brands sampled, 8 brands or 66% did not comply with the SNI," added Veri.

As a follow-up, the LSPro that certified these products will conduct an audit on the producers/importers of the products. If the audit/surveillance shows that the products do not comply with the SNI, the product certificate of the producers/importers will be suspended temporarily. The product certificate will be made valid again if the products satisfy the requirements.

Director of Goods and Services Supervision of Ministry of Trade, Ivan Fithriyanto, said, "The Ministry of Trade must carry out supervision, either periodically or at a specific time, of household electrical outlets and plugs with SNI certificate circulating in the market, while the provisions on these products have been issued by the Ministry of EMR."

Ivan hopes that the product destruction can have a deterrent effect on business actors who do not comply with regulations and set an example for others to carry on business according to the rules.

Routine supervision, especially of imported products that do not meet regulations, is expected to ensure consumer protection and encourage the use of domestic products. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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