Energy Saving Potency on Buildings is 10-30 Percent

Wednesday, 14 March 2018 - Dibaca 2711 kali

JAKARTA - The results of a survey conducted by the Directorate of Energy Conservation, Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources show that the building sector has 10-30% potential savings.

"The potential savings is 10-30%. In addition, there are several buildings that have made efforts to improve the energy efficiency, especially related to the replacement of equipment, the operation of equipment economically and implement energy conservation action program," said Director of Energy Conservation Sugeng Mujiyanto after conducting Energy Audit in State Secretariat Office in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/3).

Sugeng conveyed, energy audit in Setneg building is expected to be a new spirit in the framework of National Energy Savings.

Furthermore, Sugeng said that, as the Energy Conservation Directorate's report, from the 2017 Online Energy Management Report (POME) conducted by 141 industries using energy of> 6000 TOE, obtained energy savings equal to build a 1 Gigawatt power plant.

"Energy savings should be done by all levels of society in order to increase work productivity, avoid the waste, and improve the standard of living of Indonesian society," said Sugeng.

As known, energy audit is the process of evaluating energy utilization and identifying energy saving opportunities as well as the recommendation for increasing the efficiency in an energy user. Energy audit is conducted in identifying potential energy savings in a building or industrial building. (NA)

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