Energy Ministry Wins National Archive Award

Thursday, 10 June 2021 - Dibaca 4442 kali




NUMBER: 201.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 10 June 2021

Energy Ministry Wins National Archive Award

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) won a third place in the archival supervision category 2020 in a competition held to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of National Archives Day 2021. The prize was awarded on Wednesday (9/09) night by Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Tjahjo Kumolo, and Acting Head of National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), M. Taufik.

In the archival supervision category for state ministerial, the top three winners are Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and Ministry of EMR.

The Ministry of EMR got an AA score, or highly satisfactory, for its 2020 archival supervision. There are four aspects examined, namely Archival Policy, Archives Fostering, Dynamic Archives Management, and Archival Resources.

On this occasion, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, who was present online, urged that archive management be carried out digitally so that it is in line with technological advances. "Leave the old ways of inefficient file management, long time to find archives, and scattered storage locations," Jokowi said.

Jokowi wants that archiving innovation is made not only to meet the needs of the government but also to address public themes in the long term by prioritizing the security aspect. "Innovation is the key to progress. What is certain is that technology must be embraced. Creating a fast archive service must be a priority, archives that the public have access to must be prepared, public and community involvement in archiving must be encouraged," Jokowi explained.

The archiving information system, continued Jokowi, must be dynamic so that archiving can be more integrated. According to Jokowi, improved archive management will become the basis for the government's policymaking. "Archives are also a way of documenting the nation's cultural wealth," Jokowi emphasized.

This year, as many as 34 state ministries, 32 state high institutions, ministrial level state institutions, non-structural state institutions; and 27 non-ministerial government institutions participated in the archive competition.

The Ministry of EMR is committed to managing its archives in an orderly and accountable manner to improve services and public trust in the ministry. "This achievement results from hard and consistent work in archives management by all units within the Ministry of EMR," Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of Ministry of EMR, Agung Pribadi, concluded. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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