Energy Ministry Supports ICMA in Adopting Good Mining Practices

Saturday, 4 December 2021 - Dibaca 1455 kali




NUMBER: 426.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 4 December 2021

Energy Ministry Supports ICMA in Adopting Good Mining Practices

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) encourages the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (ICMA) to continue to protect the environment of coal operation areas and implement good mining practices.

"We appreciate the role the ICMA plays in encouraging coal companies to adopt good mining practices. Mitigation of environmental impacts is in line with the issue of global climate change," said Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of the Ministry of EMR, Agung Pribadi, in Jakarta, Friday (3/12).

According to Agung, the implementation of good mining practices will increase the added value of coal and create a conducive investment climate. "If the principles (good mining practices) are met, there will be a significant impact on economic sustainability, both directly and in the long term," Agung commented.

Previously, the ICMA encouraged coal mining companies to continue production while paying attention to the aspects of Environmental Social Government (ESG).

"As ICMA members, we have to maintain the environment where coal mines operate, empower the community around the mines so that we get a social license to operate, and establish good governance as the basis for coal mining operations," said ICMA Deputy General Chair for Development of Green and Clean Technology, Azis Armand, Tuesday (30/11).

Additionally, Azis asked that the determination of environmental management should be based on national and international standards including ISO 14001. ICMA members are also expected to continue to implement environmental management system (EMS), energy efficiency and emission reduction, 3R management which includes reuse, reduce, recycle of hazardous and toxic (B3) waste and non-B3 solid waste, water efficiency management and reduction of water pollution, biodiversity protection, and other social empowerment programs.

In terms of environmental aspect, Aziz said ICMA members had continued to carry out reclamation and prepare reserve funds for post-mining activities.

The government has regulated sanctions and revocation of permits without prior administrative sanctions if companies fail to fulfill their environmental management obligations. This is regulated in Regulation of Minister of EMR Number 7 of 2020 on Procedures for Granting Business Areas, Licensing, and Reporting in Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities.

Data from the Ministry of EMR shows the size of reclaimed areas reached 2,758 hectares in the first semester of 2021, out of the government's target of 7,025 hectares this year. Although it has only reached 39.2%, reclamation has always shown a positive trend in the last five years with the size of reclaimed land exceeding the government's target.

In addition to post-mining reclamation, mining companies are also required to carry out environmental conservation. There are four categories for the aspects and indicators of environmental conservation, namely soil, water, air, and flora and fauna. "We, from the Association, want to showcase the positive efforts that mining companies have made," said Ignatius Wurwanto, who sits as Chair of the ICMA's Committee for Good Mining Practices.

For the record, there are 24 ICMA members who received good mining practices awards from Directorate General of Mineral and Coal in 2021. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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