Energy Ministry Holds International Forum on Civil Servant Management

Tuesday, 12 October 2021 - Dibaca 3289 kali




NUMBER: 362.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 12 October 2021

Energy Ministry Holds International Forum on Civil Servant Management

The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) held an international forum on civil servant management titled "Building an Agile and Global Minded Public Civil Servant" on Tuesday (12/10).

Head of Human Resource Development Agency (BPSDM), Prahoro Yulijanto Nurtjahjo, said that during the current disruption era, everyone, including public sector organizations, should move fast in responding to any changes.

"In the current disruption era, we have been introduced to the acronym of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). This means that everyone should move fast in responding to various changes. Public sector organizations should not adhere to rigid rules and operate like a machine. For this reason, we need agile civil servants, those who are speedy and adaptive," said Prahoro.

Prahoro expected the international forum on civil servant management would offer breakthroughs and organization management patterns that are more energetic, dynamic, and flexible that would create responsive bureaucracy.

"To develop the strategies for creating civil servants with adaptive and agile mindset, organizations should nurture the involvement of employees and restructure itself. Agile human resources will ensure that an organization will be ready to respond to dynamic changes. These personnel do not adhere rigidly to plans; instead, they are flexible and innovative," Prahoro emphasized.

According to Prahoro, the government should make efforts to improve civil servants professionalism so that they have competitiveness and uphold bureaucracy ethics in servicing the public.

"For this reason, the government needs to promote sustainable human resource development programs clearly and consistently," Prahoro concluded.

The international forum featured speakers from various backgrounds. The first speaker was Chief Corporate Human Capital Development of Astra International, Aloysius Budi, who gave a talk titled 'Building Adaptive Bureaucratic Leadership with Global Insight and Entrepreneurship'. The second speaker was Puay Sze Lim, Director of Leadership Development & International Relation Public Service Division, Prime Minister's Office of Singapore, who presented a speech titled 'Building Adaptive Organization in VUCA and Digital Era. The next lecture was presented by Head of Financial Education and Training Agency (BPPK) of the Ministry of Finance, Andin Hadiyanto, and Director General of the Development of Jobs, Tourism, Science, and Innovation, Government of Western Australia, Rebecca Brown, who presented 'Strategies to Develop Civil Servants with Corporate University Approach'. The last speaker was Head of National Civil Service Agency (BKN), Bima Haria Wibisana, who gave a talk titled 'The Management of Civil Service Human Resources on a Basis of Talent Management'.

For the record, President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo has specified that civil servant development is one of his work priority. President Jowoki wants Indonesian civil servants to have exemplary character according to a set of core values called 'BERAKHLAK' (Service-oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative) and become world-class human resources. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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