Energy Ministry Gets “Excellent” Rating in Civil Servant Management

Tuesday, 7 December 2021 - Dibaca 1094 kali




NUMBER: 440.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 7 December 2021

Energy Ministry Gets "Excellent" Rating in Civil Servant Management

Thank you all, for this extraordinary achievement. This success cannot be separated from the hard work and commitment of all employees of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, especially in Human Resources Bureau, to handle the management of civil servants, Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Ego Syahrial, has said after receiving the 2021 Meritocracy Award from the National Civil Servant Commission (KASN) at the Westin Grand Ballroom Surabaya on Tuesday (7/12).

The Ministry of EMR received an "Excellent" rating for good, accountable, and transparent management of its civil servants.


Ego hopes that the award will better the implementation of merit system at the Ministry of EMR. "The implementation of the merit system will develop employees who are credible and competent, and have high integrity, to make them adaptive to the dynamics of bureaucratic development," said Ego.

Previously during the keynote speech of the awarding ceremony, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, called for the consistent application of a meritocratic system, from recruitment of civil servants, payroll and rewards, performance measurement, promotion, to supervision because civil servants have three functions, namely as executors of public policies, public servants as well as caretakers of national unity and integrity.

"The application of meritocracy in civil servant management based on transparency and objectivity, and which prioritizes competence, achievement, and individual performance is important to ensure the achievement of the three functions," said Ma'ruf.

According to Ma'ruf, the awarding is expected to accelerate civil service reform, which is a prerequisite for bureaucratic reform.

"Please develop and strengthen the implementation of talent management for civil servants. This is important to prepare the best talent in civil service, which will in turn improve the quality of public services," commented Ma'ruf.


Chairman of the KASN, Agus Pramusinto, also expressed his appreciation. "We'd like to thank all government agencies that have committed to implementing the merit system and participating in the assessment of the system. We hope that such achievement will trigger continuous improvement in civil servant management by government agencies," said Agus.

The Meritocracy Awards are presented to appreciate the commitment and support for the implementation of merit system by government agencies. According to Presidential Regulation Number 18 of 2020 on the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) of 2020-2024, bureaucratic reform and good governance are two of national strategic policy targets, requiring government agencies to obtain "Good" and "Excellent" ratings in a merit system index. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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