Electricity Subsector Performs Well in 2021, Official Says

Tuesday, 18 January 2022 - Dibaca 1707 kali




NUMBER: 26.Pers/04/SJI/2022

Date: 18 January 2022

Electricity Subsector Performs Well in 2021, Official Says

The Directorate General of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) ensures that 15 indicators have been used to measure its performance.

"When evaluating our performance in a certain year, whenever that is, we stick to 15 performance indicators, from generation to what we call network losses," said Director General of Electricity, Rida Mulyana, in a press conference titled Performance of 2021 and Work Program for 2022 of the Electricity Subsector, which is held on Tuesday (18/1).

Rida said that in 2021, power generation capacity increased by 1,901.74 MW, transmission by 3,820.61 ckm, substation by 7,731 MVA, distribution network by 14,480.1 ckm, and distribution substation by 2,775.42 MVA. These figures are the prognosis until December 2021.

"For electricity consumption, it increases by 1,123 kWh per capita or 93.3% of the 2021 target of 1,203 kWh per capita," said Rida.

In terms of electrification ratio, Rida said that the electrification ratio reached 99.45% of the 2021 target of 100%. It increased by 0.25% compared to the electrification ratio in 2020, which was set at 99.20%.

Rida also said that the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), or how long a power outage or interruption occurs per customer in one year, came at 6 hours per customer per year or 140% of the target.

Meanwhile, the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), i.e., the number of times power outage or interruption occurs per customer in one year, clocked up 4 times per customer per year, or 150% of the target.

The number of electricity customers in 2021 increased significantly by 81,530,000, or about 103% of the target.

The local components (TKDN) of the electricity subsector in Q4 2021 reached 34%, or 100% of the set target. The reduction in CO2 emissions from power plants, according to the prognosis data for Q4 2021, hit 10.37 million tons or 210.8% of the 2021 target of 4.93 million tons. Meanwhile, Smart Grids were developed at 6 locations out of a target of 5 locations.

"For investment in the electricity subsector, the data as of Q4 2021 shows USD6.75 billion, or around 68.1% of the 2021 target of USD9.91 billion," said Rida.

Electricity losses fell to 9.01%, or declining by 0.11% from losses in 2020 of 9.12%. The figure is a prognosis until December 2021.

According to Rida, the progress of infrastructure development, investment, and TKDN has fallen short of the target due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We are aware of this and can fully understand that the COVID-19 pandemic still impacts on infrastructure development, although on a year-on-year basis, I can say that we are growing because there are expansions," Rida explained.

Targets for 2022

Rida also laid out the work plans for 2022, among others, to add generation capacity by 2,949.58 MW, transmission network by 4,632.10 ckm, substations by 7,510 MVA, distribution network by 50,657 ckm, and distribution substations by 3,615 MVA.

Next, the electricity consumption for 2022 is targeted to reach 1,268 kWh per capita, electrification ratio 100%, the national SAIFI 5 times per customer per year, the national SAIDI 5 hours per customer per year, TKDN 35%, 5.36 million tons of CO2 emissions decrease from power plants, Smart Grids in 5 locations, USD7.55 billion of investment, network losses 8.93%, and the number of electricity customers to add by 81,217,000.

Rida also said that the electricity subsector performed well amid the COVID-19 pandemic, just like other subsectors within the Ministry of EMR. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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