Electricity Services Improve Significantly in Q3 2021, Says Director General

Thursday, 21 October 2021 - Dibaca 2419 kali




NUMBER: 371.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 21 October 2021

Electricity Services Improve Significantly in Q3 2021, Says Director General

Until Q3 2021, the realization of SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) reached 6.62 hours per customer per year with the 2021 target of 10 hours per customer per year. This is lower than the realization in 2020 of 12.72 hours per customer per year, Director General of Electricity of the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Rida Mulyana, has said in a virtual press conference titled "Achievement of the Electricity Subsector in Q3 2021" held on Thursday (21/10).

Meanwhile, the realization SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) until Q3 2021 is 4.96 times per customer per year with a target of 8 times per customer per year. The realized SAIFI in 2020 clocked up 9.25 times per customer per year.

The SAIDI measures how long a power outage lasts, while the SAIFI shows how often power outages occur. The lower the number if compared to target, the better the electricity system performs.

"So, nowadays we don't have many power outages, and even if we do, it only lasts for a short time," said Rida.

Rida went on to talk about the current condition of electricity supply. "One thing for sure is that our electricity supply is more than enough, and until the end of the year, there won't be any tariff increase," Rida emphasized.

Rida also explained that the Ministry of EMR had taken action to ensure the supply chain of energy, particularly that of coal. He said the prices of coal and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) were on the increase. Some countries are on the verge of an electricity crisis and have burnt more coal for their energy security.

"We're so lucky because Indonesia has coal, gas, and we're even luckier than other countries because we have the policy to guarantee supplies. For example, we employ DMO (Domestic Market Obligation) on coal and gas. This means that these commodities must not be exported in full although prices are soaring. There is the obligation to fulfill domestic demands via DMO, in terms of volume and price. This shows the presence of the state and guarantees that electricity is always available because the government regulates it," explained Rida.

Speaking on the challenges of supply chain, especially those of coal, Rida said the government had paid special attention on the issue. One of these challenges is extreme weather, which brings out floods that may disturb the supply of coal.

"To secure the supply of energy, the Ministry of EMR has formed special teams at the Oil and Gas, Mineral and Coal, Electricity, and New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Directorates General. The job of these teams is to monitor and secure the supply chain day by day," said Rida.

Rida also detailed the addition in generation infrastructure, transmission and distribution networks, substations, and distribution substations.

In Q3 2021, the generation capacity in Indonesia increased by 936.62 MW, transmission networks 1,910.06 circuit kilometers, and distribution networks 9,915.63 circuit kilometers. Meanwhile, substation capacity grew by 4,521 MVA and distribution substation 1,002.63 MVA. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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