Discussion with Regional Government, Ministry of EMR Makes Sure the Electricity and Oil and Gas to Run

Friday, 17 March 2017 - Dibaca 2917 kali

MAKASAR - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Thursday (16/3), held discussions with the regional governments to evaluate the implementation of the EMR sector policies, especially equalization electricity sector and oil and gas in eastern Indonesia.

A discussion themed "Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for Impact of EMR Sector Strategic Policy" invited representatives of EMR regional agencies as well as the Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda). Representatives of the government for South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, NTT and NTB present to hear directly feedbacks, challenges, and coordinate policies and regulations that have been assigned the Ministry of EMR in 2016 and 2017 so that can be socialized and run well in the regional government.

Expert Staff of Minister for Natural Resources Economic Affairs, Abdurrahman Saleh in his speech urged that any policies of EMR sector should provide an added value and can be implemented technically. "This policy will we evaluate together to get a better impact", said Saleh.

A Head of Department of Energy and Mineral Resources in South Sulawesi, Gunawan Pallaguna, expressed readiness to support the Ministry of EMR in the running of electricity and gas sector policy. "Strengthening of the coordination will be done. It should also increase the authority of the Governor or the Regent as well as supervision and infrastructure has been being built," said Gunawan.

In the implementation of equitable access to electricity, the Directorate General of Electricity (DG Gatrik) and the Directorate General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (DG NREEC) of EMR, describes the breakthrough which has been being implemented. Addressing the needs of access to electricity, especially in eastern Indonesia achieved by improving the electrification ratio, acceleration of renewable energy-based electricity supply through the distribution of Solar Energy Saving Lamps (LTSHE) as well as electricity tariff regulation and supervision of implementation of the transfer of electricity subsidies targeted to 900VA users.

Related implementation LTSHE distribution, Secretary of the Directorate General of NREEC, Dadan Kusdiana explained the distribution of precedence for the village entirely has not been electrified yet. "In 2017 will be distributed to approximately 100,000 households and 300,000 households in 2018," said Dadan.

"Policy and regulation of electricity sector are aimed at making society should be equitable and affordable electricity. One way is to increase the electrification ratio, especially in eastern Indonesia," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Electricity, Agus Tribisono.

For the oil and gas sector, energy equalization for the eastern Indonesia is one of them through the one price for fuel oil (BBM). Deputy Director of Concessions Downstream of Ministry of EMR, Mohammed Rizwi J.H stated constraints in the implementation of the policy of one price fuel in all regions of Indonesia individually resolved. "We are building the distribution institution in the region that do not have distributors for regions that ready infrastructure. Furthermore, an increase in storage capacity in the channeling institution", said Rizwi. In addition, equity oil and gas sector is also done through the conversion of kerosene to LPG cylinders 3kg to be distributed directly. (NA)

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