Development of Electric Vehicles in Indonesia: 54 SPLTU Has Installed in Makasar

Wednesday, 18 October 2017 - Dibaca 3135 kali

MAKASSAR - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) continues to make efforts to accelerate the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia. Besides, being the instruction of President Joko Widodo, as well as to control the increasing rate of fossil-fueled vehicles. That was expressed by the Expert Staff of Minister of Spatial and Environmental Affairs of Ministry of EMR Satry Nugraha at Talkshow on Knowing More Nearly The Electric Vehicles at House of Governor of South Sulawesi, Tuesday (17/10).

"This electric vehicle will also support the concept of using clean energy in Indonesia, the driving is due to the increase of fossil fuel vehicles. Today, we can get to know electric vehicles more friendly with the environment," said Satry.

Regarding the regulation, the Ministry of EMR is preparing a legal stnding for the use of electric cars through a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) which is currently being discussed with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

"The Perpres is still being discussed together with Kemenkumham, the target of energy mix is 23% by 2025, now we are still closely socializing what an electric vehicle is in terms of environment will significantly reduce air pollution", added Satry.

The use of electric vehicles in Indonesia received a positive response from the Government of South Sulawesi Province. South Sulawesi Governor Syahril Yasin Limpo expressed his seriousness in developing electric vehicles in South Sulawesi so as to support clean energy and maximize the use of new and renewable energy (NRE) in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi.

"The state and the government will choose an effective and efficient policy for the people, Sulsel invites the Ministry of EMR to test electric vehicles, because using renewable energy resources, I think the source of NRE is abundant and most suitable for Indonesia," said Syahril.

In terms of electricity infrastructure readiness, General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) South Sulawesi, Southeast and West Sulawesi Bob Syahril states readiness to support electric vehicles. In the region of South Sulawesi, has been installed as many as 57 points General Electric Charging Station (SPLU), 54 point is in Makassar.

"The electrification ratio here is 94%, It's mean that the average people already have electricity, next year in South Sulawesi, the capacity of electric power exceeds 500 MW, 57 points of SPLU, 54 points in Makassar, we are ready and will become one of the pilot project of vehicle electricity, will be proven here, "said Bob.

Responding to the readiness of electricity infrastructure, Governor Syahril added and optimized that South Sulawesi Province will have electric car factory in the next 3-5 years. "Maybe 3-5 years ahead of the first electric car factory in South Sulawesi", added Syahril.

On the talk show held in the 348th anniversary of Makassar City also presents representatives from the Ministry of Industry who will also control the development of electric cars in Indonesia. Director of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics Industries,Ministry of Industry Putu Juliardika expressed his appreciation to the provincial government of South Sulawesi, which is very initiative of the spirit of developing electric vehicles. "Thank to South Sulawesi is very initiative to socialize electric vehicles. The advantages of electric vehicles is very responsive and accelerative. In addition, South Sulawesi is a pretty good area to develop electric vehicles, because EBT is abundant, it becomes our record to work together. Hopefully, it becomes an example of other areas", he said.

Government support for the development of electric vehicles also received positive responses from businessmen. Viar Motor, an Indonesian company located in Semarang, has launched an electric motor in mid-June 2017, and has obtained legal permission. "Viar Motor in cooperation with Germany and the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) to produce electric motors, is currently increasing production capacity up to 200 thousand units for 1 year, and already have street legality", said Yucuanto Susetyo who is representative of Viar Motor.

During the development process of this electric vehicle, the Ministry of EMR has conducted meetings in the form of focus group discussion (FGD) or talk show by inviting participants from local government, related institutions, businessmen, associations, and academics to discuss acceleration of electric vehicle development in Indonesia. Earlier, Minister of ESDM Ignatius Jonan led a meeting on the regulation of the Electric Car Regulation in Nusa Dua, Bali in August 2017. (NA)

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