Conversion of Fuel-powered Motorcycles to Electric Saves Fuel Cost and Reduce Emissions, Says Energy Official

Sunday, 23 January 2022 - Dibaca 1254 kali




NUMBER: 36.Pers/04/SJI/2022

Date: 23 January 2022

Conversion of Fuel-powered Motorcycles to Electric Saves Fuel Cost and Reduce Emissions, Says Energy Official

The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) is inviting other state ministries and agencies to support the acceleration of the Battery-based Electric Vehicles (BEV), especially two-wheelers, for the national road transportation program, Acting Head of Research and Development Agency for EMR, Dadan Kusdiana, has said in the Dissemination of the Fuel-powered Motorcycles to Electric-powered Motorcycles Conversion Program within State Ministries and Agencies, held in Bogor on Friday (21/1).

Dadan explained that to accelerate the adoption of two-wheeler BEVs, the National Grand Energy Strategy (GSEN) targets to provide 13 million two-wheeler BEVs by 2030. To meet this target, the Ministry of EMR has initiated a program to convert fuel-powered motorcycles to electric motorcycles.

"In 2021, a total of 100 official motorcycles of the Ministry of EMR whose book value was Rp0 were converted to electric motorcycles," said Dadan.

The conversion was carried out at the Electricity Workshop of the Research and Development Center for Electricity, New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Technologies (P3TKEBTKE) of the R&D Agency of the Ministry of EMR. The workshop has been certified as an Installation, Maintenance, and Testing Workshop for Electric Motor Drive Systems of Motorized Vehicles by the Ministry of Transportation. The P3TEKEBTKE itself has completed a 10,000 km endurance test which has been validated by the Indonesian Roadworthiness Testing Center and Motor Vehicle Certification. The proof of vehicle ownership (BPKB) and the vehicle registration certificate (STNK) of the motorcycles have also been adjusted at the Traffic Control Corps (Korlantas) of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI).

Dadan went on to detail that the use of electric motorcycles can save Rp2.78 million of fuel cost per year, excluding the cost to change lubricating oil. If the current population of motorcycles in Indonesia is 115 million (BPS data of 2020), the program will potentially save Rp319 trillion of fuel cost per year and lower greenhouse gas emissions by 65 million tonnes of CO2.

"If the GSEN target of 13 million motorcycles for 2030 is met, we can potentially save about Rp36 trillion of fuel cost per year and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 7.5 million tonnes of CO2e per year," continued Dadan.

Dadan underlined the Ministry of EMR will position itself as a catalyst for the motorcycle conversion program, and as such, is ready to collaborate with other state ministries/agencies.

On the same occasion, Advisor to the Minister of EMR for Electricity Fostering, Sripeni Inten Cahyani, explained the government has set a target to convert six million motorcycles in the next five years. To fulfill this target, the Ministry of EMR will propose that the conversion program be mandatory for the official vehicles of state ministries/agencies and regional governments, and the program be funded by the State Budget.

Inten said that based on preliminary data, most of the official motorcycles of ministries and agencies were procured in the periods 2000-2010 and 2010-2019. Official vehicles to be converted include fueled-powered motorcycles which are roadworthy and have a book value of Rp 0. To meet the target of 1,000-6,000,000 prototypes, Inten hopes state ministries/agencies can pioneer the program by allocating Rp9-Rp10 million of conversion cost for each motorcycle. (IY)

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