Blog Competition # 15DayEnergyStories, the Act of Young Generations Spread Out NRE in Netizen

Sunday, 17 September 2017 - Dibaca 2690 kali

JAKARTA - A Blog Competition #15DayEnergyStories, initiated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) in order to encourage the utilization of new, renewable energy and energy conservation (NREEC) among the young generation (18-30 years) has reached the top of the competition. Three winners will be dispatched by the International Energy Agency (IEA) to make a visit to its headquarters in Paris, France, early next year.

The Blog Competition #15DayEnergyStories becomes a forum for NRE activists who for 15 consecutive days consistently write about NREEC on their personal blogs, from 17 to 31 August 2017. Out of a total of 476 incoming articles (128 participants), 28 of the participants who consistently wrote for 15 days. Then from 28 people are screened 10 best finalists to do a presentation in front of the jury to be selected 3 winners. The final stage took place on Thursday (14/9) at Balai Kartini Jakarta, in the series of Youth Forum at Bali Clean Energy Forum (BCEF) 2017.

Head of Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation (KLIK) of Ministry of EMR as Chairman of the Jury Council, Dadan Kusdiana explains the selection of young age for this blog competition activity based on the urgency of NRE implementation among the young generation, considering NRE is the energy of the nation's future. "For those under 30 it is still very important and more aware of renewable energy, environmental issues, concerns about NRE, and energy savings," said Dadan when opening the final event.

"Today has been screened 10 best finalists for the presentation, the winners are selected by the assessment criteria include the originality, presentation, and quality answer questions from the jury", explained Dadan.

From the assessment by the jury, got 3 winners who come from the general public and students. They are Yoga Pratama as the 1st Winner, Luca Cada Lora as 2nd Winner and Marlistya Citraningrum as the 3rd Winner.

Yoga Pratama is an employee of oil and gas company in Balikpapan City who is active as Earth Hour chairman in his city. He also initiated the program "Berbagi Terang" which currently has successfully electrified 139 people in the remotes of Borneo. "My motivation and friends are because light is not only in urban as well as in the remote, maximizing existing resources is not impossible to synergize with the Government and collaborate with young people to access the nationwide", Yoga said.

The second winner, Luca Cada Lora, is currently a Chemical Engineering student at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He expressed his hope related to the development of NRE to the Government. "People who are far from urban areas do not need big energy, increase the development of NRE-based community development movement", said Luca.

Meanwhile, Marlistya Citraningrum as the third winner is a program manager at an institution that focuses on sustainable energy and climate justice. Related to the development of NRE in Indonesia, the woman who is familiarly called Citra said, "We are heading in the right way, but we need all the things what we have for the fulfillment of faster target", he said.

The jury consisting of Dadan Kusdiana, Head of the Center for Development and Research of Electricity and NREEC, Sugeng Mujianto, representatives of the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI), Ananda Ivannanto and guest jury of Southeast Asia Program Manager Iier, Kieran Clarke, chose all three to become ambassadors of Indonesia in a meeting with an ambassador from another country to be held in Paris next year.

The Youth Forum program is one of a series of BCEF programs initiated by the Ministry of EMR c.q. the Research and Development Agency is conjunction with the IEA to engage more young people to think about the development and optimization of NRE toward achieving 23% the use of NRE in the energy mix 2025. (NA)

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