Bioavtur J2.4 Test Gives out Positive Results

Thursday, 9 September 2021 - Dibaca 2104 kali




NUMBER: 319.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 9 September 2021

Bioavtur J2.4 Test Gives out Positive Results

The first flight test of bioavtur J.24 on CN 235-220 Flying Test Bed (FTB) aircraft ran smoothly without any issues.

"Today, we ran the first flight test of bioavtur on CN 235-220 FTB, with the bioavtur trialed in the right engine. Today's flight test was run at 10,000 feet with flight duration of 1 hour and 20 minutes according to the test sequence around Sukabumi-Pelabuhan Ratu," said Eko Budi Santoso, Project Manager of CN 235-220 FTB, after the flight test on Thursday (9/9).

Eko said the test flight was a success, as shown by the lack of issues with the engines and systems of the aircraft.

"After today's flight test, insya Allah (God willing) tomorrow we'll run a flight test at 16,000 feet. Alhamdulillah (praise be to God), the first flight test ran smoothly and successfully. We haven't analized the efficiency of bioavtur; it usually needs 225-250 liters of Jet A-1 avtur per hour," added Eko.

Meanwhile, the Test Team Pilot, Captain Adi Budi Atmoko, said the flight test was 100% complete. Everything was normal and within limits, and there was no engine surge or flameout.

Adi explained that the test began with the left and right engines being started, and all engine parameters were normal. The aircraft then taxied and took off to the test area in Sukabumi at a height of 10,000 feet.

"The test continued with engine parameter test, from flight idle to maximum cruise power, and everything was normal--there was no abnormality. We also tested acceleration and deceleration of power. Data from the left and right engines are relatively the same; there are no differences between the left engine fueled with Jet A1 and the right engine fueled with bioavtur," Adi continued.

"After the test series were complete, the engines were shut down. When the engines were back to normal, we started them again. The results were good and the engines stabilized," Adi concluded. (IY)

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