Asmat Will Be Better by the Existence of LTSHE

Saturday, 17 February 2018 - Dibaca 1392 kali

AGATS - Asmat District, Papua Province, became the last series location of working visit of Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (NREEC) and the Group in Papua. For the last month condition, Asmat District was crowded visited by health workers and volunteers as Asmat Region is defined as the area of Extraordinary Occurrence (KLB) for malnutrition and measles. Nowadays, Friday (16/02) the stipulation of Extraordinary Occurrence has been revoked 2 (two) weeks ago and gradually all health problems are handled properly.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Directorate General of NREEC has a program called Solar Self-Ballast Lamp (LTSHE) for Asmat District. However, this program is not because of the outbreak of malnutrition, but it has been programmed before. Rida Mulyana asserted "that this free light distribution program is not because of the outbreak, but it's been the program for our brothers and sisters who have not enjoyed electricity at all".

The allocation for Asmat District is 922 units of LTSHE in 8 (eight) sub-districts / districts in 15 (fifteen) Villages, namely Fayit District, there are 2 villages as many as 145 Units, Betcbamu Sub-district, there are 1 village of 93 units, Pulau Tiga Sub-district is 2 the village of 75 units, Kopay sub-district there is 1 village of 62 units, Aswi Sub-district there are 1 village of 56 units, Suru-Suru sub-district there are 2 villages as many as 75 units, Suator District there are 1 village as many as 103 units, and Kolf Braza District there are 5 villages as many as 313 units.

Asmat Regent, Elisa Kambu expressed his gratitude to the government and Mr. President Jokowi. "The existence of LTSHE makes people happy because it lighten villages in Asmat and the condition of the society will get better".

Another matter concerns the Regent is the community's lack of technology capability. "I really hope that the government will also provide PLTS (Solar Power Plant). It will be easier to manage because it is centralized," explained Elisa Kambu.

Responding the concern, Rida Mulyana stated that the bright is something we bought. "We purchased the bright for 3 (three) years, not the product. Should there be any problem, do not hesitate to report it to us because the provider will fix it" said Rida.

Concerning the proposal, it will be an input in formulating the lighting program in 3T (frontier, outermost and underdeveloped) areas. "If you need PLTS, would you please prepare the land and submit the proposal to us. We have built 500 units of PLTS in Indonesia" said Rida. Energy needs and regional energy fulfilment will the future reference, because the fulfilment of electricity needs is the basic right. (NA/edited_AK)

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