Arcandra: EOR is Not Only Need a Study, But It Also Need an Implementation

Friday, 12 May 2017 - Dibaca 2107 kali

JAKARTA - The government continues to support all parties in exploiting and exploring oil and gas in Indonesia. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology is assessed as the answer to taking the step.

"EOR technology has actually existed in Indonesia since the 1980s," said vise Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar while filling the EOR seminar on SKK Migas on Wednesday (10/5). However, there are still many Cooperation Contractors (KKKS) that have not applied EOR technology in exploring the oil field.

"In fact, we have considerable oil potential of 4.6 billion barrels," explained Arcandra. The government continues to push to increase oil production, one of them through EOR.

Arcandra added, related to the potential of such a large oil, must be made a detailed roadmap EOR. For that, we may invite EOR experts abroad.

Currently there are three oil fields with EOR technology, namely: Kaji Semoga (Medco), Minas (Chevron), and Pertamina EP. Arcandra expressed his wish that the EOR be a consideration for KKKS to increase oil production.

"EOR do not stop in paper alone, do not continue to study, but also implemented", closed Arcandra. (EVT)

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