Agung Volcano Observers are Cheerful despite Working on Idul Fitri Holidays

Wednesday, 12 May 2021 - Dibaca 1273 kali




NUMBER: 165.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 12 May 2021

Agung Volcano Observers are Cheerful despite Working on Idul Fitri Holidays

This year's Idul Fitri is very different for Nurul Husaini and Wahyu Ardi Setiawan, two observers at Agung Volcano Observatory in Rendang post, Bali province. Unlike the previous years, this year Nurul and Ardi could not gather with their families to celebrate the largest festival for Indonesian Muslims because they had to carry out state duty of monitoring of Agung volcano, one of active volcanoes in Indonesia.

Nurul admitted that this year he could not return to his hometown in Ciamis in West Java, for two reasons: he had the duty to observe the activities of Agung volcano, and because of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. Nurul has been assigned at the Rendang post since August 2017.

"Previously, before the pandemic and the volcanic eruption in 2017, I had never missed mudik (homecoming). (This year) I can't go home, of course I feel a bit sad. But right now, a pandemic is spreading, so I can understand it. We must also curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus. So, I carry out this task happily although it's ahead of Idul Fitri holidays," said the man who started his career as a volcano observer in 2015 at Ibu Volcano Observatory in Halmahera, North Maluku province.

Similar to Nurul, Ardi, who joined the Rendang post since October 2017, feels sad, but he understands his obligation to perform a good job. This year, he does not meet with his family in Banjarnegara, Central Java.

"I'm sad for sure, because we can only meet our family once a year. But because this is a duty, we have to do it well. After Salat al-Eid (Eid prayers), we go to work as usual. We haven't gone home for 2 years," said Ardi.

Ardi also felt that something was missing, because the takbir recitation that marks the arrival of Idul Fitri cannot be heard from the Rendang post. The place to do Salat al-Eid is quite far too, about 30 minute-drive from the Rendang post.

"It is unfortunate that takbir is not heard here. During the Idul Fitri festival, it's the takbir that makes you happy, something that you long for, along with the get together with family and friends. To do Salat al-Eid, we have to go to Klungkung city, about 15 kilometers from Rendang," said Ardi.

Even though they have to celebrate Idul Fitri away from their families, Nurul and Ardi are still happy. The most important thing for them is to be able to do their job well, according to their oath when they were sworn in as Civil Servant Apparatus (ASN) back in 2015.

"We don't regret anything, because right from the start, we've been committed to working as volcano observers. Even if there are any unexpected events, those are the risk of the job," said Nurul.

"We put aside that feeling (of regret). What's more important is that we do our job well, so the public can get information from us," said Ardi responding to his colleague.

Head of Agung Volcano Observatory, Dewa Made Mertayasa, ensures that all observers at Agung Volcano Observatory posts monitor the volcano continuously and provide information to stakeholders during this year's Idul Fitri.

"We are all on duty, including Ardi and Nurul. Tomorrow is Idul Fitri, but because there is an order from the national government not to perform mudik, these two colleagues stay at the post, to monitor the condition of Agung volcano and inform the public," said Dewa.

The current condition of Agung volcano is relatively stable, at level 2 or Waspada (Advisory) in Indonesia's four-tiered alert system. Safe area is beyond the 2-kilometer radius from the crater.

"The condition of Agung volcano after the 2017 eruption until today is Waspada (Advisory) or level 2. A radius of 2 kilometers from the the crater is safe for people who wish to climb the volcano," Dewa concluded. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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