Adapting to Future O&G Challenges, PEM Akamigas Creates Competitive Graduates

Friday, 9 April 2021 - Dibaca 1590 kali



NUMBER: 127.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 7 April 2021

Adapting to Future O&G Challenges, PEM Akamigas Creates Competitive Graduates

A global call against fossil energy in the future will slightly reduce the use of such energy. As a result, the oil and gas business process will be under pressure. Thus, human resource preparation is an essential precondition to answer the challenge.

Quality human resource can be created by adapting the educational curriculum to the current development, Head of Agency for Human Resource Development of Energy and Mineral Resources (BPSDM ESDM) Prahoro Nurtjahyo has said when opening One Day with Expert public lecture under the title Opportunities for Oil and Gas Vocational Graduates in a Free Labor Market Era, on Friday (9/4), with Ignasius Jonan as speaker.

Prahoro said that the presence of 'new energy' should provide a motivation to better anyone who is involved in the oil and gas subsector. "It's important to make ourselves unique and multi-talented, or in your case, beyond your oil and gas major. Students must learn everything, especially current global issues, because changes are unavoidable," Prahoro said.

Prahoro is confident that the oil and gas subsector is still the main commodity that meets Indonesia's energy demand and one that moves national economy. "To ensure that the demand for oil and gas is continuously met, we need citizens who are capable of managing the oil and gas resources effectively and efficiently," Prahoro stated.

Meanwhile, Ignasius Jonan expressed that the oil and gas subsector required human resource with a high level of competence, skill, and attitude as well as those capable of building synergy.

If these aspects are ignored, the oil and gas subsector will be replaced by other businesses. This can be seen by the fact that in 2008, oil and gas companies such as Petrochina and Exxon entered the list of the largest companies in the world, along with General Electric, China Mobile, and ICBC (China). Ten years later (2018), these companies were replaced by Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook.

"The challenge in the oil and gas world lies in how to become efficient and to innovate. Therefore, I hope PEM Akamigas can educate its academic community, especially those in the oil and gas major, about how to make business, how make work efficient and less emission," said Jonan, who is President Commissioner of PT Unilever, and was Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of 2016-2019.

Additionally, Jonan expects students of PEM Akamigas aware of issues such as global warming, nature restoration, carbon footprint, and environmental imbalance.

"B30 and D100 are among ongoing innovations, so your perspective should not be limited on oil and gas but should instead broaden to energy. Lecturers of oil and gas processing technic play an important role in changing this perspective, by continuously increasing competence, or attending seminars and FGD," Jonan said.

For the record, One Day with Expert is a routine event held by PEM Akamigas. Presenting competent and experienced speakers, the event is aimed at giving additional insight and knowledge to the students of PEM Akamigas and the public because anyone can participate through Zoom application and the Youtube channel of PEM Akamigas.

Formed under the BPSDM ESDM of Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, PEM Akamigas is a vocational college specializing in oil and gas education. It educates selected Indonesian citizens through formal classes and public lectures like One Day with Expert. (IY)

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