Access-Technology-Financing, Priority Issues of Energy Transitions Working Group in Indonesian G20 Presidency

Friday, 4 February 2022 - Dibaca 1785 kali




NUMBER: 59.Pers/04/SJI/2022

Date: 4 February 2022

Access-Technology-Financing, Priority Issues of Energy Transitions Working Group in Indonesian G20 Presidency

The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) will focus on access, technology, and financing of energy transitions in the Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG) of this year's Indonesian G20 Presidency, Advisor to the Minister of EMR for Strategic Planning, Yudo Dwinanda Priaadi, has said in a webinar titled 'Exclusive Sharing: A Great Leap for Indonesian Energy Diplomacy' organized by Ecadin on Thursday (3/2).

"The President has directed that the Presidency of the G20 Indonesia be focused on three pillars, namely global health, digital and economic transformation, and energy transitions. Of course, we'll deal with energy. We will encourage all G20 discussions to push energy transitions in each member economy," said Yudo.

Yudo went on to explain that the three issues to be discussed with G20 member economies are related to energy access, scaling up of clean technology, and financing for energy transition.

The energy access issue will center on affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all with a tag line of "leaving no one behind", focusing on the energy for electrification and clean cooking.

"The second issue is about technology. How can we generate more energy efficiently or by new methods. We will explore energy storage, low-carbon energy systems, clean industrial development as well as renewables integration, and energy efficiency," added Yudo.

The third priority issue is financing. Energy transition requires new projects and new investments. Thus, financing is essential to the G20 Indonesia Presidency.

"So, there are three issues: access, technology, and financing. We hope these three issues can be resolved so that we reach a global deal to accelerate energy transition," Yudo emphasized.

On the same occasion, ECADIN researcher and lecturer in International Relations of the Pertamina University, Novita Putri Rudiany, said that the efforts to open access to energy and scale up technology will eventually open the tap for investment and funding sources which involve numerous important actors such as philanthropists and multinational businesses.

"There are at least 3 key points that we can see in the development of Indonesia's energy diplomacy at the G20. First, the positive image of the nation. Second, the opening of direct investment opportunities in potential areas. Third, the participation of government and non-government actors in supporting the global energy transition. This is the reason why the G20 is a great leap for Indonesia's energy diplomacy," Novita concluded. (IY)

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