8th Netizen Meeting: Arcandra is at the Midst of Young Energy Pals

Wednesday, 21 February 2018 - Dibaca 1663 kali

JAKARTA - There is a special things from Netizen Meeting of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) at this time. The vice Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar is present in the midst of netizen or young Energy Pals who fill the Sarulla Room at the Ministry of EMR ESDM Office on Tuesday (20/2).

Starting a Netizen Meeting with the theme of the New Era of Indonesian Oil and Gas: #OilandGasInvestmentsMoreInterested, Arcandra throws the question, "The discovery that occurred after the 2000s or even before the 2000s, what country was got the big result?" Some netizen also answered the United States (US).

Arcandra asked once more, "Why is a great change in the world by people there (USA)? Why is not our country?" According to Arcandra, the fundamental difference from Indonesian society and the United States is in the way of thinking. "After 1,5 years have been living her, I feel there is a very different mindset. Let see, our mindset in Indonesia. All of things is prohibited, except the one is ordered. Unlike there (USA), you can do everything, except the forbidden things because if you have to be ordered all, it is distracted our creativity. Basically, people think it can create anything," he said.

In addition, US people are always learning from failure. Failure is considered as a stepping stone for further technology development. "Over there, people learn from failure, or as stepping stone for the next technology. If in Indonesia, technology development using APBN and failed, what's happen?" he added. Arcandra exemplified the development technology of Apollo 11 and the invention of a bulb that changed the civilization of the world after failing many times.

"If this Ministry, where is going to go?" he continued. Three weeks ago we roughly sliced out the rules, there are 11 regulations that we cut, where this direction to go about? Two weeks ago we added 32 more rules we cut. February 12 we cut again 22 (regulations). Until the end of the future, there are 100 rules that we will slice out. What our hashtag us today is? Oil and Gas Investment More Interested," said Arcandra.

Along the Netizen Meeting, Arcandra explained the innovations made by the Ministry of EMR to increase investment in the oil and gas subsector, among others the Gross Split scheme from the previous Cost Recovery and regulatory cuts in the EMR sector.

Toward the end of the event, Arcandra advised all energy pals that is present to always check the truth of the information related to the EMR sector in the official social media's Ministry of ESDM. "If in social media there are information that need to be clarified, please let us go to one of our social media. Ask this is true or not, then we will response. Possible answer is what it is. Data never lies. This is social media, we can interact directly, ask directly, Insha Allah we will response as soon as possible. Convey ti your friends that (social media)'s Ministry of EMR can respond quickly to the issues," he concluded. (NA)

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