36 Fuel Bags Secured the Backflow of New Year Holiday 2018

Wednesday, 3 January 2018 - Dibaca 911 kali

JAKARTA - Christmas and New Year Holiday 2018 has ended. During the period, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) together with PT Pertamina (Persero) has taken anticipatory measures to ensure the availability of fuel supply for the community, especially in the area of long holiday backflow.

The increase of vehicle volume in this year's backflow has resulted in the increase of Premium , Pertalite, Pertamax, and Pertamax Turbo consumption. Anticipating the condition, Pertamina has provided 36 fuel bags to secure the needs especially along the route potentially having demand increase. The National Post of Ministry of EMR noted that the fuel bags have been operated at 36 bases of Filling Station (SPBU) spreading in several places. The placement of these bags was dominated by major roads, rest areas and arterial roads.

Those locations were chosen because of the frequent severe congestion triggered by broke down vehicles due to run out of fuel, including: Bukit Tinggi Municipality, Kampar regency, South Lampung, Jl Raya Rengas Bekasi, Jl. Raya Imam Bonjol Telaga Murni Village Bekasi, Rest Area Km 102 Tol Cipali Subang, Rest Area Km 101 B Toll Cipali Subang, Rest Area Km 164 B Toll Cipali, Jl. Raya Tol Jakarta Cikampe Km 19, Jl. Toll Purbaleunyi Km 125 B, Jl. Raya Tol Cikampek Km 57, Jl. Raya Tol Jakarta - Cikampe Km 42, Jl Raya Cipayung Bogor, Jl. Raya Cobogo Puncak, Jl. Toll Jagorawi Sta 45, Pantura Line (MURI), Jl. Raya Mangkang, Jl. Raya Semarang-Kendal, Jl. Raya Subah, Jl. Ry Weleri-Kendal Kec. Rowosari Kendal, Jl. Gajahmada No. 9A Juwana, Jl. Kol Sugiyono, Jl. Raya Dampyak, Jl. KH. Baharu UN RT. 01 RW 06 Rawalo, Jl. Dipenogoro No. 164 Kutoarjo, Metroyudan, Jatisrono, Jl. Raya Ds. Watuagung Kec. Baturet, Toyogo-Sambung Macan, Jl Ry. Ampel Boyolali Desa Tandung-AMP, Jl. Raya Rengas Bekasi, Bondansari - Wiradesa, Jl. Raya Margasari, Parangtritis, Songgoriti, Kr. Pandan Kec, Pakisaji.

In addition to the provision of fuel bags, a number of other anticipatory measures have also been implemented, namely the operation of 9 units of dispenser cars , 17 units of pertamax motors and 14 Pertamax / AKR 92 kiosk . These measures were considered to enable people to obtain fuels in the spot during the heavy traffic and susceptible congestion.

The National Post of Ministry of EMR also reported that the distribution of fuel and LPG as of January 2, 2018 were under normal conditions. Premium fuel has availability up to 30.5 days, Solar or Akrasol 19.5 days, pertalite 22.6 days, kerosene 60.4 days, pertamax / Akra92 20.2 days, Pertamax Turbo 36.3 days, Pertamina Dex 22, 6 days, Dexlite 19.5 days, LPG 18 days and Avtur 27.3 days.

As for the electricity conditions, based on data on January 1, 2018, the peak night load period was mostly under normal conditions. Overall, the national supply capacity is 32,082.22 MW and the peak load is 27,329,03 MW, so the national capacity is 4,753,20 MW.

For volcanic conditions, Mt. Sinabung in North Sumatra and Mt. Agung in Karangasem, Bali are still in activity level IV (Warning). Even in Warning status, Bali as a province in which a 3,142 m above sea level mount lies is still safe for tourist destination. The Warning Status is only valid for radius of 8-10 km from the crater of the mountain and the Government has recommended the community and visitors not to be within the hazardous zone. (IW/edited_AK)

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