No Worries, B30 is Safe to Use

Tuesday, 28 January 2020 - Dibaca 2361 kali




NUMBER: 049.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 28 January 2020

No Worries, B30 is Safe to Use

The use of biodiesel in Indonesia has entered a new chapter. New Year 2020 witnesses the implementation of 30% biodiesel blending into Solar diesel, or more commonly known as B30. Long before the implementation, the government's commitment to support biodiesel utilization was clearly seen from the stipulation of Ministerial Regulation Number 12 of 2015.

Launched by the President himself on 23 December 2019, B30 is ready to implement after it went through various stages of detailed and systematic planning. A series of comprehensive and constructive tests had also been conducted to ensure on target implementation. All these not only take the worry out of loss and damage to vehicle machines but also prove that the fuel helps to increase environment quality.

After the implementation, however, several members of the communities have complained about gel formation in fuel tanks due to B30. Moreover, there is an assumption that it will be difficult to ignite vehicles at cold areas such as Dieng.

The B30 Technical Team of Ministry of EMR immediately stepped in by contacting several representatives of APM (Agen Pemegang Merek, Brand Owner) to confirm this, among others, PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia, PT Hino Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, and GAIKINDO (Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia, Association of Indonesia Automotive Industries).

Prototype & Test Department Head of PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia, Harmoko Setyawan, said there had been no complaint from Isuzu consumers about the use of B20 and B30. Fuel-line components of Isuzu vehicles have met the standards of Biosolar use since 2016. "We will ensure more intensive coordination with all Isuzu workshops to minimize negative impacts that may occur," said Harmoko.

He expressed that his company had no worries, because the results of the cold start-ability tests of B30 in cold area such as Dieng showed good condition; thus, people must have more confident that there is no serious problems.

Product License & Certification of PT Hino Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Andi Tauji, expressed the same thing. "Until recently, there has been no criticism or complaint from our customers about the use of B30", said Andi.

Secretary of Technical and Environment Compartment of GAIKINDO, Abdul Rochim, added that GAIKINDO had confirmed the issue with several APM. "There has been no report to APM about the filter blocking problem," said the man who is often called Rochim.

Meanwhile, Catur Satyawira, UD Product Management, explained that the use of B30 on UD trucks did not change the recommended maintenance schedule. There has been no complaint from UD truck users relating to the use of B30 at cold areas.

"According to the tests conducted jointly with Ministry of EMR, it's proven there is not machine problem with UD trucks," expressed Catur.

Indonesia is the first country in the world to apply B20 in 2016. The increase of biodiesel in Solar diesel blending, from 20% to 30%, is also followed by the increase in the quality of the biodiesel used. The results of B30 test roads in 2019 showed there was no significant difference between B20 and B30. In addition, the start-ability tests carried out on Dieng Plateau showed that vehicles using B30 could be ignited normally after being idled (soaking) until 21 days. (IY)

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