Energy Sector in Full Speed Despite Pandemic

Wednesday, 15 July 2020 - Dibaca 1175 kali




NUMBER: 240.Pers/04/SJI/2020

Date: 15 July 2020

Energy Sector in Full Speed Despite Pandemic

The ongoing worldwide Covid-19 pandemic does not slow down the performance of the Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) sector. Despite limitations, Minister of EMR Arifin Tasrif has answered the challenges of the sector by making a number of strategic policies, among others, issuance of revised Mineral and Coal Mining Law, conversion of diesel power plants to gas-fired power plants, and the most significant one is the adjustment of natural gas price for certain industries in order to increase national competitiveness and economy.

"The mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Pricing, for both the industries and the state utility Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), has been fulfilled; this will bring about positive impacts on national economy," said Arifin in Jakarta on Wednesday (15/7/2020).

There are 197 natural gas users from fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, ceramic, glass, and rubber glove industries that have enjoyed price adjustment to USD 6 per Million British Thermal Unit (MMBTU).

"The price cut is also applied to the electricity subsector. Providing affordable electricity for the public will also support industrial growth. This policy will not reduce the revenue of oil and gas contractors, nor will it put additional burden on the state finance. Price cut will benefit not only the energy sector but also other sectors such as petrochemicals, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves. It will improve the industries' competitiveness," Arifin added.

Until the end of June, the volume of natural gas which price has been adjusted, for both certain industries and electricity generation, totaled 1,223.03 BBTUD.

New Mineral Law

The management of mineral and coal has also entered a new era with the issuance of Law Number 3 of 2020 on Amendment to Law Number 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining. In addition to 51% divestment certainty, mineral downstreaming to increase added value, and the priority to offer mining area to State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), this law is expected to answer the challenge of environmental conservation.

Sanctions will be imposed if a holder of Mining Business License (IUP) and Special IUP whose license is revoked or expires does not carry out reclamation/post-mining activities or does not place reclamation/post-mining guarantee fund. Sanctions include maximum imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of Rp100 billion. Besides the criminal sanctions, IUP and IUPK holders may be imposed additional sanction in the form of payment of funds needed to fulfill the reclamation and/or post-mining obligations. It is expected that there will not be any abandoned mining pits and environmental pollution may be prevented.

Another regulation that supports the Mineral and Coal Law is a government regulation, currently discussed with Ministry of Home Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Economy, and regional governments. The draft regulation will also be discussed in various forum which will involve academics, business people as well as associations.

"The Mineral and Coal Law has also taken into account the advice and inputs from many parties in order to provide certainty of business and investment, and to give maximum benefits for the country," Arifin said.

Clean Energy Development

Moreover, utilization of clean energy, especially for electricity generation, has continued to be improved. Conversion of diesel power plants to gas-fired power plants has reached a total capacity of 1.7 Giga Watt at 52 locations. Minister of EMR has assigned PLN to carry out gasification of power plants and to buy LNG from Pertamina in order to convert diesel fuel to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

"The government has also set a target to replace all diesel power plants in the next three years," the Minister added.

Arifin has also assigned Pertamina to supply LNG and construct LNG infrastructure at every power plant operated by PLN to generate electricity. Pertamina must also price the LNG regasification gas at plant gate which will offer lower Electricity Generation Costs compared to using diesel fuel.

"The total saving from the conversion is estimated at Rp3 trillion annually," the Minister explained. He said that natural gas is one of Indonesia's energy backbones. Domestic gas demands will increase; thus, gas utilization must be allocated to the maximum.

More attractive price

To realize the target and encourage investment in renewable energy, Arifin said that the government is formulating the regulation about feed in tariff for renewable energy.

"It's the government's commitment to adopt the use of new, renewable energy, expand utilization, and encourage investment in renewable energy. The regulation on more attractive prices for renewable energy will be issued soon. This is to ensure acceleration of renewable energy," he asserted.

Previously in late February 2020, the government issued EMR Ministerial Regulation Number 4/2020 on changes in the policy of renewables utilization for electricity generation. The regulation sets out the purchase of renewable electricity through conditional direct appointment, adjustment of cooperation scheme to Build, Own, Operate (BOO), management of reservoir/irrigation hydropower plants developed by Ministry of Public Works and Housing, assignment to develop municipal waste power plants, and assignment to PLN to purchase electricity from renewable power plants which were built by grant.

Indonesia has set a 23% target of renewables utilization in the 2025 energy mix. This policy will be combined with the country's commitment to reducing emissions by 29% in 2030. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)