Indonesia fuel price Cheaper than some Southeast Asian Nations

Friday, 17 March 2017 - Dibaca 9097 kali

JAKARTA - The price of fuel oil (BBM) that are sold in Indonesia such as Gasoline Premium at Rp. 6.550 per liter, and diesel fuel at a price of Rp. 6,150 per liter cheaper than some other Southeast Asian countries. The diversity of fuel prices in various parts of the world, among others due to the application of the tax varies, subsidies, freight, and specifications.

Reporting from the site (16/3), the price of gasoline by 95 Research Octane Number (RON 95) in six Southeast Asian countries, namely Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, and Singapore ranges from Rp. 6,891 per liter to Rp. 18 899 per liter.

JAKARTA - Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) yang dijual di Indonesia yaitu Bensin Premium dengan harga Rp6.550 per liter, dan Solar dengan harga Rp6.150 per liter lebih murah dibandingkan dengan beberapa Negara Asia Tenggara lainnya. Beragamnya harga BBM di berbagai belahan dunia antara lain karena penerapan pajak yang bervariasi, subsidi, ongkos angkut, dan spesifikasi.

Dilansir dari situs (16/3), harga bensin dengan Research Octane Number 95 (RON 95) di 6 Negara Asia Tenggara, yaitu Malaysia, Vietnam, Filipina, Thailand, Laos, dan Singapura berkisar dari Rp6.891 per liter sampai dengan Rp18.899 per liter.

Meanwhile, the price of gasoline Pertamax Turbo sold by Pertamina only Rp9.050 per liter, rose by RON higher at RON 98. Meanwhile, the price of Premium gasoline 88 RON (without subsidy) is only about Rp6,550 per liter. Thus, the price of gasoline Indonesia is cheaper than some other Southeast Asian countries.

Still come from the same site for the same country, diesel prices ranging from Rp6,591 per liter to Rp13.262 per liter. While the price of diesel or non-subsidized diesel sold Pertamina Rp7,200 per liter for Dexlite and Rp8,400 per liter for Pertamina Dex. To subsidized diesel sold for less with the price of Rp6,150 per liter with a subsidy of Rp500 per liter allocated in the state budget (APBN).

In line with the price of gasoline, diesel prices in Indonesia, including subsidized also cheaper than the 6 other Southeast Asian countries. Setting the price of fuel which is actually a commodity that dominate the life of many people, set by the Government for certain types of fuel (Diesel and Kerosene) and Special Assignment fuel (gasoline Premium).

"The determination of fuel prices reflects the Government's efforts to achieve equitable energy," explains Head of Communications, Public Information Services, and Cooperation Bureau (KLIK) Ministry of EMR, Sujatmiko.

2016, as released by the Central Statistics Agency, Indonesia's economic growth reached 5.02 percent. With affordable fuel prices, will drive national competitiveness to support national economic growth. "The price of fuel cheaper will enhance national competitiveness in the ASEAN region," concludes Sujatmiko. (NA)

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