Welcome to E-WK Migas

This website provides application modules, guides and updated information regarding Indonesia’s oil and gas bidding round and joint study opportunity.

Bidding Procedures

Government of Indonesia awards oil and gas Contract Area through bidding process for local and foreign company. In general, bidding process is conducted in 2 (two) periods in a year, April and September. Information regarding to the area released for the bidding is provided here.

Bidding process is conducted through 2 (two) schemes, they are Regular Tender and Direct Proposal Tender. Government prepares the areas for Regular Tender based on the internal studies or speculative surveys.  In accordance to the new Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No.35 Year 2021, companies are now welcome to nominate certain open area to be put in this regular tender scheme, as well as proposing its terms and conditions (ie: firm commitments, profit splits, etc).     

Direct proposal scheme offers more flexible process, local or foreign companies may nominate open areas and then given such Joint Study approval to conduct preliminary study with DITJEN MIGAS for 6-8 months. Companies may propose terms & conditions to Government. At the end, this joint study’s area also will be announced for bidding round, where the conductor of joint study shall have privilege to match the higher bid, if there are competitors.

Based on the new regulation, un-awarded working area is also open to be nominated by companies under different terms and conditions, to be put back in the 30 days bid round. No privilege of right to match.

To see areas where the Joint Study is being carried out, please go to Joint Study Map or read more Joint Study Application Guides before decide to apply the Joint Study. But if you wish to see our current bidding round, and ready to participate, please SIGN UP.



E-Tender Schedule