Nine Work Units of Ministry of EMR Pass WBK

Tuesday, 10 December 2019 - Dibaca 5663 kali




NUMBER: 701.Pers/04/SJI/2019

Date: 10 December 2019

Nine Work Units of Ministry of EMR Pass WBK

Nine work units of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) are declared to have passed the Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) after re-assessment was conducted by Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in 2019, and thus, these units are entitled to the WBK awards.

The WBK awards are presented at the Appreciation and Recognition of Integrity Zone towards Corruption-Free Zone (WBK)/Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM) in Bidakara, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/12).

Vice President of Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin who is present at the awarding asserts that successful development highly depends on successful bureaucratic reform. In particular, the bureaucratic reform made at work units whose services impact the public and the businesses.

"Whether or not the development agenda set by the president will be successful largely depends on successful bureaucratic reform made within the government," he said in his speech.

Government agencies must understand their respective roles by providing good service and holding on to bureaucratic integrity. People's high expectation of a bureaucracy that is transparent, accountable, and free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism demands improvement in bureaucracy. "Improvement in bureaucracy must be done by building a good system so that services will be faster, cheaper, non-discriminatory, and high quality," Ma'ruf continued.

Integrity zone is a miniature of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia. The development of integrity zone is aimed to create a bureaucratic reform program that can grow a bureaucratic work culture which is anti-corruption, has high performance, and gives quality public service.

Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform as the leading sector and the prime mover of bureaucratic reform continuously encourages improved bureaucracy, for example by developing integrity zones. The development of integrity zones is the right measure to get a government agency profile which is clean, accountable, and serving. "The better the bureaucracy integrity is, the stronger public trust and public service are," added Ma'ruf.

WBK is a miniature of the bureaucratic reform of a ministry/ institution. According to the evaluation of the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Team on the basis of the conformity between supporting data and employees' work culture, the survey results of public perception of service quality, and anti-Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism, there are 5 work units of Ministry of EMR in 2019 that have passed the evaluation, namely Directorate of O&G Environmental Engineering (DG O&G), Lemigas (R&D Agency), PPSDM Geominerba (HR Development Agency), PPSDM KEBTKE (HR Development Agency), and Office of Research and Development of Geological Hazard Technologies (Geological Agency).

The next step the Ministry of EMR takes is to encourage other work units towards WBK, and those having WBK towards Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Zone, which will certainly be harder and set at the high standards from Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. (IY)

Head of Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation

Agung Pribadi (08112213555)

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