Indonesia, Denmark Reaffirm Green Energy Partnership

Tuesday, 23 November 2021 - Dibaca 3637 kali




NUMBER: 412.Pers/04/SJI/2021

Date: 23 November 2021

Indonesia, Denmark Reaffirm Green Energy Partnership

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR), Arifin Tasrif, received a working visit from Danish Foreign Minister, Jeppe Sebastian Kofod, who reaffirmed green energy partnership to accelerate the use of renewable energy at the national and regional levels. The visit is part of a three-day working visit to Jakarta and Surabaya.

"Today's event marks a new milestone in the post-COP26 bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Denmark, and thus, strengthens the already close energy partnership between the two countries," said Minister Arifin at a press conference after he opened the Indonesia-Denmark Energy Business-to-Business Forum in Jakarta on Tuesday (23/11). The Indonesia-Denmark B2B Energy Forum is the right platform for business entities to explore prospects and initiatives in developing renewable energy and energy efficiency, continued Arifin.

According to Arifin, Denmark has become an important partner in Indonesia's journey to energy transition. In addition to ongoing bilateral programs such as the Indonesia-Denmark Partnership Program (INDODEPP) and Sustainable Island Initiatives (SII), several Danish energy companies are also planning to invest in Indonesia. The projects will be carried out by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (USD 700 million), Vestas (USD 400 million), and Howden (USD 40 million).

"Under the bilateral cooperative partnership, Denmark has completed their study on the Renewable Energy Pipeline, and pre-Feasibility Studies on renewable energy projects in North Sulawesi and Riau. These studies were done to bridge the gap between the National Energy Plan and provincial renewable energy projects. In another partnership at the provincial level, I note that the Danish Government also supports the energy transition in West Nusa Tenggara Province. I hope this kind of partnership project can be replicated in other provinces or regions in Indonesia," Arifin added.

Arifin said he had held bilateral talks with Minister Kofod to discuss the issues of decarbonization and post-COP26 commitments.

"Both of us agree about the importance of international collaboration to pursue common interests in the energy transition. Therefore, I appreciate all the support given by the Danish Government to the Indonesian Government in the energy sector. I hope today's forum is constructive and contributes positively to the fulfillment of post-COP26 commitments," closed Arifin.

Meanwhile, Minister Kofod explained the importance of green energy transition and stated that the issue was the main message delivered at COP26. The visit of Danish delegation to Indonesia is a manifestation and real action of the partnership between Denmark and Indonesia in conducting energy transition at the national and regional levels.

"Today, we presented 3 reports on how to transition to green energy. The first report, "Indonesia's Renewable Energy Pipeline", shows that achieving the 23 percent target of renewable energy by 2025 can be done through the electricity sector. The second report is "Pre-Feasibility Studies for Renewable Energy" in two provinces in Indonesia, namely North Sulawesi and Riau. The second report shows that there are business opportunities for renewable energy development in both provinces. Denmark plans to strengthen cooperation with other provinces by adding more provinces as partners in the Sustainable Island Initiative," said Kofod.

The third report is on the commitment of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government to net zero emission. "The commitment of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government to net zero emissions is an example of good cooperation between the provincial government and us. Such cooperation can accelerate the development of green energy and the establishment of the Indonesia-Denmark B2B energy forum, to connect with the private sector for investment guarantee. I hope this forum can strengthen our green energy partnership," Kofod finished.

Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province Zulkieflimansyah, who was present at the meeting, affirmed his administration's commitment to accelerating full decarbonization of the province's energy systems.

"The West Nusa Tenggara Province has pledged to become a leader in energy transition. We've set a target of net zero emission by 2050, 60 percent of renewables share in the Lombok Grid by 2030, and 100 percent of renewables share in the NTB Grid by 2040. This transition will be supported by a continuation of strong energy cooperation between the NTB Province and the Danish Energy Agency within the program of Sustainable Island Initiative (SII) by 2050. We'll link the transition projects with investment or finance to make these projects realistic," Zulkieflimansyah concluded.

For the record, the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions in the energy sector determines the fulfillment of Indonesia's climate target. Denmark, with its experience in green energy transition, has committed itself to cooperate with Indonesia in achieving this target.

To watch the press statement of Minister of EMR after the bilateral meeting with Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, please click on this link: (IY)

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